food sovereignty
12 publications
The color of food. Stories of Race, Resilience and Farming
Natasha Bowens, New society Publishers, United States, April 2015
Food Utopias: Reimagining citizenship, ethics and community
Paul V. Stock, Michael Carolan, Christopher Rosin, Routledge, USA, March 2015
Journal of Consumer Culture July 2014; 14 (2)
Special Issue: Consumerist Culture and Social Movements
Edited by Francesca Forno, Paolo Graziano, July 2014
Sharing for Survival. Restoring the Climate, the Commons and Society.
Brian Davey, FEASTA, Ireland, April 2012
To cook a continent. Destructive extraction and the climate crisis in Africa
Nnimmo Bassey, Pambazuka Press;several African countries, January 2012
Food Sovereignty in Canada. Creating Just and Sustainable Food Systems.
Edited by Annette-Aurélie Desmarais, Nettie Wiebe, Hannah Wittman, Fernwood Publishing, Canada., September 2011
Food Sovereignty. Reconnecting Food, Nature and Community.
Edited by Annette-Aurélie Desmarais, Nettie Wiebe, Hannah Wittman, Fernwood Publishing, Canada., September 2010
Diet for a Hot Planet. The climate crisis at the end of your fork and what you can do about it.
Anna Lappé, Bloomsbury publishing plc, USA, April 2010
Sustainable Peasant and Family Farm Agriculture Can Feed the World
Edible Action Food Activism and Alternative Economics
Sally Miller, Fernwood Publishing, Canada., September 2008
La Via Campesina.Globalization and the Power of Peasants.
Annette-Aurélie Desmarais, Fernwood Publishing, Canada., 2007
Women and Food Sovereignty Kit
Judy M. Taguiwalo, Azra Talat Sayeed, Mary Joan A. Guan, Gilbert Sape, Judy A.P. Pasimio, 2005
3 Videos
Life itself (Green market Trinidad)
Hayle Meyerhoff, April 2018
Food as a Common Good (José Luis Vivero)
January 2017
Climate Change and Community Supported Agriculture Judith Hitchman Urgenci France
June 2015
6 pedagogical tools
Poster Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE)
Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE) Erasmus+ Project
Ekumenická akademie, VSÖK, Stowarzyszenie Kooperatywa Spożywcza “Dobrze”,
Postcards Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE)
Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE) Erasmus+ Project
Ekumenická akademie, VSÖK, Stowarzyszenie Kooperatywa Spożywcza “Dobrze”,
Info Pack Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE)
Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE) Erasmus+ Project
Ekumenická akademie, VSÖK, Stowarzyszenie Kooperatywa Spożywcza “Dobrze”,
Booklet : Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE)
Building Up Social and Solidarity Economy (BUSSE) Erasmus+ Project
Ekumenická akademie, VSÖK, Stowarzyszenie Kooperatywa Spożywcza “Dobrze”,
Food Sovereignty NOW! An in-depth guide
February 2018
Syllabus: Solidarity Economy Movements
Craig Borowiak, April 2016
2 proposals
This document has been put together by Gustavo Marín with the help of Germà Pelayo and contributions from Cândido Grzybowski, Matthieu Calame, Jorge Romano and Paul Raskin. It is based on presentations and discussions that focused on the economy during the seminar organized by Ibase, the Forum for a new World Governance (FnWG) and Euralat in Rio de Janeiro from 10 to 12 August 2011. It is of course a work in progress, and will benefit from further critiques and contributions.
Gustavo Marin, December 2011
Proposal Paper for the 21 century: People’s Right to Feed Themselves and Achieve Food Sovereignty
Completed August 28, 2001, this document summarizes the proposals worked out by the APM networks in fields as various as nutrition, land reforms, international trade, sustainable agriculture, GMOs and land management.
August 2001
14 case studies
Community Supported Agriculture
-blurring the boundaries between producers and consumers, urban and rural, and furthering our commons and commoning : furthering change!
Ruby Van der Wekken, Jukka Lassila, November 2022
May 2020
Transition City Initiative (Jackson Just Transition Plan)
Transformative cities - Atlas of Utopias
Cooperation Jackson, 2019
Transforming our world: A cooperative 2030 - Cooperative contributions to SDG 2
ILO Briefs
October 2018
Solidarity economy strengthens peasant agriculture and food sovereignty Workshop at the WSF 2013.
International Newsletter for Sustainable Local Development Newsletter #99
Yvon Poirier, Judith Hitchman, June 2013
The Deccan Development Society in India
International Newsletter for Sustainable Local Development Newsletter #94
Judith Hitchman, Martine Theveniaut, December 2012
Eléonore Dupré, November 2012
Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture ortoloco Zurich: Urban agriculture as an economy of solidarity
City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action Volume 16, Issue 6, 2012
Marit Rosol, Paul Schweizer, 2012
Habitat Improvement Workshop - Temha (Filadelfia – Paraguay)
Felipe Zalamea, November 2011
COPAC, 2011
How the indigenous communities recovered their land in the Highlands after independence, and organized themselves to manage their land in a sustainable way, recovered ancestral techniques and developed a local economy in Zimbabwe.
Laura ARNALTE, October 2006
A farming system for the mountains
The development of a particular farming system, especially designed for the hard conditions of the mountainous country of Lesotho, called “Kingdom in the Sky”, is proving to be successful in achieving food security and reducing poverty amongst rural communities.
Laura ARNALTE, October 2006
ASSEFA : 35 Years of Service to Rural Communities of India
A holistic approach to community development
Yvon Poirier, October 2004
Interview of Sheelu Francis, Tamil Nadu Women’s Collective, Tamil Nadu – India
Sheelu Francis is an outstanding leader of the 60 thousand-strong women’s collective, active in the whole state of Tamil Nadu, Southern India. Sheelu is also the international spokesperson for the Collective, speaking about the impacts of international trade, debt and activities of transnational corporations on local development, on food security and sovereignty.
Marcos Arruda, February 2004
32 Analyses/working papers/articles
The Historical Role of the Women of La Via Campesina in the Current Crisis
January 2023
Policy Report : Roots of Resilience.. Land Policy for an Agroecological Transition in Europe.
Nyéléni, January 2021
Is eating a settler-colonial act? Food justice and Indigenous sovereignty
Article of ABC Religion and Ethics
October 2018
Xavier Poux, Pierre-Marie Aubert, September 2018
Public policies for food sovereignty
Think piece series Food for Thought No.1
Sylvia Kay, Emily Mattheisen, Nora McKeon, Paola De Meo, Ana Moragues Faus, March 2018
La Via Campesina in Action for Climate Justice
Henrich Böll Stiftung Ecology ( Vol 44.6
La Via Campesina, 2018
Eating from the Farm: the social, environmental, and economic benefits of local food systems
Friends of the Earth and Urgenci, May 2016
Overview of Community Supported Agriculture in Europe
AA.VV., May 2016
Transition towards a food commons regime: re-commoning food to crowd-feed the world
Jose Luis Vivero Pol, September 2015
Community Supported Agriculture thriving in China
Judith Hitchman, June 2015
Judith Hitchman, April 2015
Isidor Wallimann, March 2015
Consumer Culture, Sustainability and a New Vision of Consumer Sovereignty
European Society for Rural Sociology. Sociologia Ruralis, Vol 55, Number 4, October 2015
Roberta Sassatelli, 2015
What Place for International Trade in Food Sovereignty?
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE YALE UNIVERSITY SEPTEMBER 14-15, 2013: Food Sovereignty: A Critical Dialogue,
Kim Burnett, Sophia Murphy, September 2013
Food as a Commons: Reframing the Narrative of the Food System
Jose Luis Vivero Pol, April 2013
UNCTAD Trade and Environment Review 2013: Wake Up Before It’s Too Late,
Rio+20: Progress o procrastination?
Judith Hitchman, Martine Theveniaut, July 2012
The Food and Agriculture Organisation and the Social and Solidarity-based Economy
Background paper written at the request of the members of the Coordinating Committee of the Civil Society Mechanism of the Committee for Food Security and others present at the Budapest meeting in December 2011
Judith Hitchman, 2012
Food sovereignty in US food movements: radical visions and neoliberal constraints
Agriculture and Human Values, 2012: 347-359.
gronomy for Sustainable Development Official journal of the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) Springer
Miguel A. Altieri, Fernando R. Funes-Monzote, Paulo Petersen, November 2011
Judith Hitchman, November 2011
Working Paper Food Security and Sovereignty
International Forum on Social and Solidarity Economy, FIESS 2011
C.H. Nelson, M.L. Stroink, October 2011
Mamadou CISSOKHO, Thomas LINES, Machiko NISSANKE, Alistair SMITH, September 2011
Economic Alternatives for Gender and Social Justice: Voices and Vision from Latin America
Luisa Antolin, Bénédicte Allaert, Martina Nuti, August 2011
Banking biodiversity Valuing or devaluing nature?
Food Ethics Council, Vol. 6, Issue 2, Summer 2011.
July 2011
Biotechnology and dispossessions in Kenya
Khadija Sharife, October 2010
Paper Presented at the Policy Workshop on The Future of Australia’s Mid-Sized Cities. Latrobe University, Bendigo, VIC, 28 & 29 Sept.
Jenny Cameron, Rhyall Gordon, September 2010
Sunita Narain, August 2010
Synthetic biology and the next assault on biodiversity and livelihoods
April 2009
Food sovereignty.The people’s alternative.
Ernest Cañada, 2006
Food Sovereignty and International Trade Negotiations
Negotiations on agricultural products within the WTO have led to deepening inequalities between the North and the South. This Proposal Paper thus suggests, without for all that refusing trade of food products, solutions that take into account sustainable forms of production in favor of small-scale farming in order to establish fair trading.
July 2004
4 Charter/Manifesto
September 2014
April 2012
The 6 Food Sovereignty Principles
Nyéléni 2007 - Forum for Food Sovereignty, February 23rd – 27th, 2007, Sélingué, Mali,
Final declaration of the world forum on food sovereignty, Havana, Cuba, September 7, 2001
From September 3 to 7, 2001, some 400 delegates from peasant and indigenous organizations, fishing associations, non-governmental organizations, social agencies, academics and researchers from 60 countries around the world met in Havana, Cuba at the World Forum on Food Sovereignty. The forum gathered organizations and people committed to sustainable food systems and the peoples’ right to produce, feed themselves and exercise their food sovereignty.
September 2001
4 public contributions
May 2024
New institutional actors of the food systems Milan Food Policy and the Urban Food Policy Pact
URGENCI 6 th International CSA Conference - 7 th China CSA Conference 19-22 November 2015 | Beijing, China
Andrea Calori, November 2015
Presented to the High Level Meeting of the FAO-APRC on 1 October 2010 in Gyeongju, Korea.
October 2010
Michel Buisson, April 2006
11 articles
Ruby Van der Wekken, May 2024
Drawing boundaries: Negotiating a collective ‘we’ in community-supported agriculture networks
Leonie Guerrero Lara, Giuseppe Feola, Peter Driessen, February 2024
Nyeleni international movement for food sovereignty
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, December 2023
Dražen Šimleša, December 2023
Right to food and food justice
Article of RIPESS Europe newsletter, June 2023
Judith Hitchman, June 2023
Webinar on decent work and SSE in the LAC region. Conclusions after Ripess LAC gathering
Article by Ripess Intercontinental, December 2022
December 2022
Food sovereignty – so needed, so far away
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - July 2022
Ruta Śpiewak, July 2022
RIPESS Europe,
Fair Trade Polska - Fundacja „Koalicja Sprawiedliwego Handlu”
For a food system based on agroecology and food sovereignty
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - February 2022
REAS, Red de Redes, February 2022
New network and journal issue on food sovereignty in Hungary
Article from the RIPESS Europe newsletter - November 2021
November 2021
The Unsung Caribbean Roots of the Vegan Food Movement
Article of Yes! Magazine, 21 June 2021
Paige Curtis, June 2021
Here and ready: the value of peasant agriculture in the context of COVID-19
Article Eurovia 26/03/2020
March 2020
Food & Solidarity: Leveling Up the Fight Against Hunger
Article in Medium, August 2018
Marcus Hill, August 2018
Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 38, No. 3, July 2011, 587–612
Miguel A. Altieri, Victor Manuel Toledo, July 2011
Web sites :
- Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Navdanya
- Site national des AMAP - Associations pour le Maintien d’une Agriculture Paysanne
- CSA Community Supported Agriculture at UMassAmherst
- Miramap - Mouvement inter-régional des AMAP
- ALIMENTERRE Plateforme et ressources
- MST - Movimento dos Trabalhaores Rurais Sem Terra
- Gawad Kalinga
- Revista soberania alimentaria, biodiversidad y cultura
- Ruralter - Agronomes Vétérinaires sans Frontières
- Accion ecologica
- Slow Food Ecuador
- Center for Food Safety
- Small Planet Institute
- ZIMSOFF - Zimbabwe Smallhorder Organic Farmers Forum
- Programa Mercosur Social y Solidario
- Movimiento Agroecologico de América Latina y el Caribe - MAELA
- Alimentando alternativas y políticas públicas
- Nyéléni global forum 2025