Red Intercontinental de Promoción de la Economía Social Solidaria de America Latina y el Caribe (RIPESS LAC)
RIPESS LAC is a continental network that brings together various community-based, associative, co-operative and mutual organisations as well as citizens’ movements that work towards the implementation of solidarity economy in Latin America. We contribute the production and sharing of resources and knowledge that creates the basis of an alternative movement to the current capitalist system.
Areas of work
RIPESS LAC work focuses on four main themes:
Solidarity finance
Fair trade and responsible consumption
Advocacy and building public policies
Development of coordination and economic inclusion mechanisms
This is linked to the following objectives:
Contribute to strengthening SSE as a sustainable alternative and systemic change
Influence and jointly build public policy with social movements and thus put forward proposals for important socio-economic and cultural change at national and regional level
Communicate information from all SSE network actors and beyond
Strengthen reflection on and dissemination of SSE.
One video
VII Encuentro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Economía Social Solidaria - Inauguración
February 2019
3 pedagogical tools
Elementos para el desarrollo de la incidencia en política pública de economía social y solidaria
Coord. Angeles Carrión Abad, December 2021
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC
Coord. Angeles Carrión Abad, December 2021
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC
Propuesta de programa de formación para incidencia política
Coord. Angeles Carrión Abad, December 2021
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC
One proposal
Propuesta de programa de promoción de economía solidaria con enfoque de género
Coord. Angeles Carrión Abad y Comisión Género RIPESS-LAC, December 2021
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC
5 case studies
Silvia Wú Guin, December 2021
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC
Buenas prácticas de incidencia en política pública Ecuador
Coord. Angeles Carrión Abad, December 2021
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC
Buenas prácticas de incidencia en política pública México
Coord. Angeles Carrión Abad, December 2021
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC
Experiencias de Co construcción de políticas públicas
Coord. Angeles Carrión Abad, December 2021
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC
Bulletin Ripess Intercontinental- Mars 2021
March 2021
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC
Analysis document/working paper/article
Estudio sobre marcos regulatorios de la economía social solidaria y su relación con políticas de protección socia en América Latina
Alfonso Cotera Fretel, May 2020
2 Charter/Manifesto
Pacto Latinoamericano por la asociatividad solidaria para la paz
XVI Encuentro Internacional de Economía Solidaria. Neiva, 29 de Julio 2023
July 2023
March 2019
One public contribution
Red Intercontinental para la Promoción de la Economía Social Solidaria
Seminario CEPAL, 26 de noviembre 2019
Nicolas Cruz Tineo, November 2019
2 articles
RIPESS LAC participates in the XVI International Solidarity Economy Encounter in Colombia
Article by Ripess Intercontinental, August 2023
Lucero Adriana Blanco Zambrano, August 2023
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC
Webinar on decent work and SSE in the LAC region. Conclusions after Ripess LAC gathering
Article by Ripess Intercontinental, December 2022
December 2022
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC
3 organizations RIPESS & ODDs
Advocacy for the promotion of SSE, a RIPESS project
RIPESS Intercontinental
Conservation of indigenous ancestral knowledge in Chiloe
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC
Contributing to a better use of water in Guatemala
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC
2 RIPESS Initiatives & Covid
Latin American Savings and Loan Cooperative Utrahuilca - Colombia, January 2022
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC
Meeting the needs of people suffering from food insecurity in Porto Alegre, Brasil
Movimento #AFomeTemPressa, January 2022
RIPESS Intercontinental, RIPESS LAC