Canadian Social Economy Hub/Centre Canadien d’économie sociale
To work with the regional research centres, national partners and others to foster research into the Social Economy so as to make it more accessible and useful to policy makers, Social Economy practitioners, and people in communities as well as for academic engagement.
The CSEHub is a community-university research alliance between the University of Victoria, represented by its Principal Investigator Ian MacPherson, and the Canadian Community Economic Development Network, represented by its co-director Rupert Downing. The CSEHub is directed by the two organizations and their representatives, with the advice and input of a board of representatives from the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships (CSERP). CSERP is a collaborative effort of the six regional research centres, their community partners, and the Canadian Social Economy Hub.
The CSEHub gratefully operates on a five-year grant from the Social Sciences and Research Council of Canada.
To work with the regional research centres, national partners and others to expand understanding of the Canadian Social Economy within Canadian society generally, within governments, and in the academy.
To demonstrate the central importance of ongoing, systematic and sustainable research activities for the sound development of the Canadian Social Economy, and as an important subject for the academy.
To bring together individuals and organisations concerned with research into the Social Economy with individuals and groups more directly involved in implementing Social Economy approaches to addressing Canada’s social and economic problems.
To encourage growing relationships with Social Economy acteurs and researchers in other countries.
To work with national partners and regional research centres in strengthening the Social Economy in Canada, as an element of public policy and as a practical alternative for people in communities.