There are Other alternatives (TAOA)
ocial money is, above all, the will to find again a bond with solidarity and thus recreate the community spirit
Social money is not only an invite to reconsider wealth and our attitude towards money, but also and especially one’s relation to THE OTHER, one’s place, role, and commitment inside the community.
More than a mere complementary market, social money confers a new place TO MEET and discuss in order to reinvent community, a way of living, imagining and building a new “living together”.
Social money is above all a TOOL in the center of a community desiring to trade differently, to design new projects, and imagine new horizons for each and every one inside the community.
A pedagogical tool
4 Analyses/working papers/articles
TAOA Promouvoir les Monnaies Sociales. Newsletter n°5
La Red de Sistemas de Trueke de Venezuela
September 2011
TAOA Promouvoir les Monnaies Sociales. Newsletter n°4
Les coopératives financières en Equateur
Juni 2011
TAOA Promouvoir les Monnaies Sociales. Newsletter n°3
L’expérience de troc en Argentine
März 2011
TAOA Promouvoir les Monnaies Sociales. Newsletter n°2
Le système de troc argentin ou « trueque »
Dezember 2010