Forum Global d’Associations de Régions (FOGAR)
Because Regions are closer to their citizens, their voice should be heard at all levels of decision-making. This is the role of Regions United / FOGAR: bringing together Regions around the world and being their ambassador within international organisations promoting a global policy of balanced development and territorial cohesion.
Thus, Regions United / FOGAR is the unique representative body of Regions seeking their recognition as major players of global governance.
Documento de analisi/working paper/articolo
Porter l’Ambition d’une Politique globale de Développement équilibré et de Cohésion territoriale
Problématique et enjeux de la Conférence internationale du 5 décembre 2011 à Genève. Contribution à la préparation du G20 de Cannes, du Forum de Busan et de la Conférence mondiale Rio + 20
dicembre 2011