Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)
WEDO works on a range of cross-cutting issues—from climate change and natural resource management, to global governance and finance and UN reform—toward three interlinked goals:
Research and raising awareness, fostering and facilitating networks and campaigns, and building capacity and training—with women and women’s organizations, gender advocates, government and UN actors, and many others—comprise strategies to meet WEDO’s goals. While WEDO works at the international level primarily, it supports regional and national stakeholders, networks and governments to turn policy commitments on gender equality into action—striving to improve the lives of women and men around the world.
Documento de analisi/working paper/articolo
Report of High-level Roundtable. How a Changing Climate Impacts Women
Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations
settembre 2007
Heinrich Böll Foundation, CWWL, WEDO