Food Social Security - 3rd Nyéléni ECA Thematic Webinar
enero 2025
Participantes: Judith Hitchman, Jonathan Peuch, Patricia Andriot, Léa Winter

Resumen :
In the context of the Nyeleni global food sovereignty process and its Europe and Central Asia regional chapter process, Urgenci together with others organised this webinar on how we can collectively address Food Social security, whilst fortifying the furthering of Food Sovereignty through Solidarity Economy building. The webinar held on 30.1. 2025 explores how Local authorities can play a crucial role in driving transformative solutions, and in particular focuses on experiences currently carried out in Belgium, France and Switzerland with Food social security schemes, in which citizens pool together funds according to income level and subsequently receive a certain allowance per month which is to be spent on food meeting certain environmental and ethical criteria. These experiences are besides the supporting of socially and ecologically just food production, importantly also about the empowering of peoples political engagement and action.
Speakers of the webinar led by Judith Hitchman (Urgenci and RIPESS Intercontinental):
Florent Sebban (Miramap and Urgenci)
Jonathan Peuch (FIAN Belgium)
Léa Winter (FIAN Switzerland)
Patricia Andriot (Réseau des Territoires pour l’Économie Solidaire)
The video : 1:25:28