The By the Many Manifesto

Towards a people powered Europe


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Initiated by European Alternatives and created in collaboration with grassroots partners and movements, the alliance working together here presents a manifesto for alternatives to nationalism, patriarchy, racism, exploitation and injustice. Together, the allaince wants to imagine a positive vision of society that can be transformed and shaped by the hands of the people. The campaign is founded on taking the lead from people directly impacted by EU policies. This means taking the lead from those most ignored by political establishments:

• Racialised communities and ethnic minorities

• Women and gender minorities

• LGTBQIA communities

• Workers and carers

• Persons with disabilities

• Migrants, asylum seekers and the undocumented

Putting power firmly in the hands of ordinary people is the only way to disrupt the system, and offer a real alternative to the failings of democracy and the false promise of capitalism. All the demands are based on the equal protection of people and planet over profit. The alliance is calling for:

• Immediate climate action for a planet in balance

• A world led by workers

• A democratic process that derives power from the people

• Justice and equity for all

• A digital revolution that serves the people

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