Solidarity Economy Roads Chapter 1 - What is Solidarity Economy?

Luis Razeto Migliaro, 1995

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This year, the GEO collective will publish on our website, one chapter a month, an English translation of Luis Razeto Migliaro’s Los Caminos de la Economía Solidaria (Ediciones Univérsitas Nueva Civilización, Chile-Columbia, 2017).

We are excited to share this important work by a leading Latin American theorist and practitioner of solidarity economy, whose work has been largely unavailable in English. For nearly half a century Razeto has worked to spread and deepen understanding of solidarity economy, a term he popularized after it was coined by a grassroots organizer in Chile.

The book we are publishing here, Solidarity Economy Roads (Los Caminos de la Economía Solidaria 1993), is the one Razeto considers the “most complete” of his works on the “theoretico-practical problematic of the historical construction of solidarity economy.” It is, he says, the one that best “relates the process of construction of solidarity economy, in its multiplicity of forms and manifestations, with the great questions and problems of the contemporary world…”

Razeto presents solidarity economy as a set of roads:

The road of the poor and the popular economy

The road of social development services and solidarity with the poor

The road of labor

The road of social participation and self-management

The road of transformational action and social change

The road of alternative development

The road of ecology

The road of women and the family

The road of the first peoples

The road of the spirit

The book concludes with the search for a new civilization “in response to the crisis of modern civilization, in its capitalist and statist forms, that today seems to be in its terminal phase.”

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