Public purchases: a lever for transformation
Cooperative and not-for-profit models have been set up in many countries in recent decades, particularly in the homecare services sector. They fulfil social functions not covered by the state or market, in areas such as education, health and integration.
As is the case in Canada, to some extent, the social and solidarity economy can be recognized as having obvious potential as an effective tool for addressing a number of themes linked to public policies, such as infancy, solidarity-based partnerships between farmers and consumers for local high quality food, environmental sustainability and sustainable energy solutions. This recognition should go hand in hand with the introduction of public policies and regulations that encourage this potential.
In areas where the SSE operates—such as water management systems run by the community, ressourceries and improved waste management, social integration via job creation, co-design of public services that better meet people’s needs, mainly marginalized populations, and solidarity finance for better access to credit—tax incentive systems, public purchase programmes for integration or less polluting businesses, and investments in companies that create jobs, reduce their carbon footprint or offer innovative resource management solutions can make all the difference. The task is to set up a coherent system that makes it easier for SSE initiatives, in their different forms, to obtain the financial and technical means that provide access to public contracts and public investments, along with legislation that backs up the sector’s commitment and action within the paradigm of an economy that is once again at the service of people.
2 Videos
La ESS en el contexto Europeo : Elementos Clave para una Agenda Transformadora
December 2024
Fairtrade Towns: energizing your community to change the world
May 2011
4 pedagogical tools
European Commission
Guide to socially responsible public procurement
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland
Buy Social : A practical guide to socially responsible procurement
Buy Social, 2014
8 case studies
Making socially responsible public procurement work: 71 good practice cases
European Commission
3rd EMES-Polanyi International Seminarn Welfaire societies in Transition, Roskilde, April 2018
Leslie Carnoye, April 2018
How Government Support for Social Enterprise Can Reduce Poverty and Green House Gases
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Manitoba
Lynne Fernandez, January 2016
GSEF Asia Policy Dialogue 2015_JinYong Kang_Korea/GSEF 아시아정책대화, 강진용, 한국
Revaluing Public Sector Food Procurement in Europe: An Action Plan for Sustainability
Foodlinks project
December 2013
Agrilocal An online platform for public procurement
European Network for Rural Development, 2012
The LANDMARK consortium
9 Analyses/working papers/articles
Social Economy barometers in Romania 2021 – access to finance, public social procurement
Ancuta Vamesu for Alaturi de Voi Foundation Romania,, April 2022
Making Socially Responsible Public Procurement Work : 71 Good Practice Cases
European Commission, May 2020
Buying for social impact Good practice from around the EU
Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (European Commission)
Luigi Martignetti, Valentina Caimi, Dorotea Daniele, February 2020
Buy Social Canada, 2018
Carol Cravero, 2017
Family farming products on menus in school feeding: a partnership for promoting healthy eating
Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, Online
Hélida Ventura Barbosa Gonçalves, Diogo Thimoteo da Cunha, Elke Stedefeldt, Veridiana Vera de Ross, May 2015
A Plan for Public Procurement: Food & Catering Balanced scorecard for public food procurement
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs UK
July 2014
Sustainable procurement practice in the public sector: An international comparative study
International Journal of Operations & Production Management, vol. 31, no.4, p. 452–476.
Stephen Brammer, Helen Walker, 2011
Musings on the mainstreaming of solidarity economy, public procurement and cultural difference
Judith Hitchman, April 2009
One charter/manifesto
The EC Guide on Socially Responsible Public Procurement (SRPP)
Joint Statement
June 2011