John Rogers
John Rogers cut his teeth with local currencies by running a local exchange system in Wales for 10 years. He co-founded the Wales Institute for Community Currencies at the University of Newport, which he directed with Geoff Thomas from 2003-2007. They coordinated research into the effects of time banking in ex-mining communities, which was published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation in ‘Hidden Work’. He now offers training and consulting for local currencies through Value for People and has spoken and led workshops at many international conferences.
2 publicaciones
El dinero de la gente. Monedas locales y soberanía económica.
Bernard Lietaer, John Rogers, Margrit Kennedy, XES/Icaria Editorial, Barcelona, España, 2015
People Money: The Promise of Regional Currencies
Margrit Kennedy, Bernard Lietaer, John Rogers, Triarchy Press, UK, July 2012